
How I work

  • Tools

    • Figma
    • Sketch
    • Rive
    • Hype
    • Photoshop
    • After effects
    • Lottie
  • Systems

    • Apple HIG
    • Material Design
    • Bootstrap
    • Bulma
    • Wordpress
    • Dear ImGui
    • NoesisGUI
  • Methodologies

    • Scrum
    • Design sprints
    • Lean UX
    • Rapid prototyping
  • Supplemental

    • UI Animation
    • Post launch care
    • Accessibility/WCAG
    • SEO
    • GDPR
    • VR/AR

How I work


Figma • Sketch • Rive • Hype • Photoshop • After effects • Lottie


Apple HIG • Material Design •  Bootstrap • Bulma • WordPress • Dear ImGui • NoesisGUI


Scrum • Design sprints • Lean UX • Rapid prototyping


UI Animation • Post launch care • Accessibility/WCAG • SEO • GDPR • VR/AR


  • November 2019 - Today

    Lead Designer & PM at DungeonFog GmbH

    Project management • Planning & Producing • Marketing & Communication • Software Design • Analytics • SEO • Storytelling • Game Design • Level Design •

  • 2017 - 2019

    Head of UI/UX Design at dotsandlines GmbH

    Accompanied/Hosted Design sprints • Lean UX • Rapid prototyping • Team planning and organization • UX Testing • Motion Design • Accessibility • GDPR • AR/VR

  • 2013 - 2017

    UI/UX Designer at aaa - allaboutapps GmbH

    Built a new team • Team development • Taught designers mobile technologies • Consulting • Design Workshops

  • 2012 - 2014

    Senior iOS Developer at aaa - allaboutapps GmbH

    Concepts & Consulting • Coding standards • Code Reviews • Team supervision • Team building • SCRUM

  • 2010 - 2012

    Freelance iOS Developer

    Developed early iOS apps in Objective C

  • 0+

    Projects delivered

  • 0

    years in the industry

  • 0+

    liters of tea drank

Worked with

Additional experience

  • Motion

    • Digital Ads
    • Motion Design
    • 2D Animations
    • Photoshop
    • After effects
    • Premiere
  • Creative

    • Photo & Videography
    • Coding (C/C++)
    • Level Design
    • Game design
    • Storytelling
  • Organize

    • Team leading
    • Atlassian
    • Zoho
    • Trello
  • Businesses

    • Start-Ups
    • Fintech
    • Medical
    • Entertainment
    • In house
    • SaaS, PWA, Mobile, Desktop

Additional experience


Digital Ads • Motion Design • 2D Animations • Photoshop • After effects • Premiere


Photo & Videography • Coding (C/C++) • Level Design • Game design • Storytelling


Team leading • Atlassian • Zoho • Trello • Github


Start-Ups • Fintech • Medical • Entertainment • In house • SaaS, Progressive Web Apps • Mobile • Desktop native

My favourite reads

The Design of everyday things

This book is a masterclass in understanding how well-designed products enhance our lives. Don Norman's engaging exploration of user-centered design is both enlightening and practical.

The Nature of Code

This book bz Daniel Shiffman brilliantly demystifies math for non-coders, making complex concepts like linear algebra accessible. A must-read for designers seeking to understand the basics of animation and motion.

The Art of Game Design

Jesse Schell presents a comprehensive guide to the intricate world of game design. It provides great insights for creative creators, making it an valuable read for anyone passionate about designing fun experiences.

Get in touch

I'm open to exploring offers and opportunities for collaboration, although please note that I don't currently undertake short-term projects. Looking forward to connecting! Your messages are my top priority, and I'll respond as soon as I can.